April 10, 2009

Tips And Tricks For Getting Offers To Confirm

In this section I will give you tips on how to get your Cashcrate offers confirmed. Now, what does confirmed mean? Well when you complete an offer and then submit it, it first goes to your pending earnings until Cashcrate credits you with completing that offer. Now, you need to know what you're doing to get your offers to confirm. So here are a few tips:

1. Clear your cookies before every offer you do. You can do this by going to "tools" then "internet options" then go to "general" and select "Delete Cookies". That is how you delete them for Internet Explorer browser but for Firefox, just go to "tools" and then "internet options" and you'll see where to clear them there. Also make sure your computer is set to "Accept All Cookies" you'll see how to do this when you delete your cookies.

2. Exit out any popups that may come up. But first let them load up first.

3. Let each page load fully throughout the offer because the COOKIE that tells the offer holding site that you have been on their site is actually placed on one of the pages of the offer and if you just skip through the offers quickly without letting them load, the cookie won't have time to be placed onto your computer. This is also why you should delete your cookies right before you do an offer so the offer holding site won't think you've been there before then they won't credit you for your offer you did.

4. The offer holding site is located in the url, an example of one is consumergiftcenter.com or myrewardscenter.com. Those are both survey holding sites and you can't use the same email for that survey holding site because they store emails into their database. So what I recommend you do, is create an email address on Yahoo.com and write it down on a sheet of papaer and then write down each survey site that you have been on and don't reuse that same email for the same survey holding site.

5. You must use accurate information.Use The same information on your profile that you signed up for Cashcrate with.

6. Do not get discouraged if an offer doesn't approve in just a couple of minutes. Some offers take up to 2 weeks to confirm, but most will confirm within a few hours. You can also go to your pending earnings and retry and offer.

7. Don't forget to check the message center on Cashcrate.

8. Pace yourself through offers. Let a few of them approve first and then go on and do more offers.

9. I recommend using Firefox but the regular Internet Explorer browser you use should work just fine too. I don't know much about the Morpheus browser for Cashcrate so you're going to have to test it.

That is the complete guide for tips and tricks on getting offers on Cashcrate to confirm.

Credits on this post go to "Nikka"

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